Friday 18 January 2008

Wild Co. - Da Maadu

Wild Co. (Da Madu)....
This was the ethnic board perched upon D20 B3. Designer name board for our home and our group. We'd not figured the etymological reasoning of the nomenclature till one fine night when a bovine creature occupied our block and refused to move out. It was then we understood that there was a Silent W in Wild Co.... And Da Madu in a mixture of Tamil and English meant The Cow.... Sept brought the clouds focussed right over the D Blocks and we were rushing back to hostel rather late in the night after a great philosophical movie screened in Bioscope (starring Mithun). Gunz and Roomz (The ones who despise the rains) ran directly in to the blocks while I took my time ambling in the rain. Gunz came a cropper suddenly and a scream escaped his lips as he noticed something sitting in the middle with two green eyes shining. It took him time to realise that this didn't pop out from space as it was quite dark. Get out you mangy old dog he screamed and suddenly felt some kind of soft tissue caressing his legs leaving a residue of saliva sticking all over. He jumped out startled and broke in to a paroxysm of rage. I switched the lights on, while Roomz stayed huddled to the door waiting to run at any eventuality. We were greeted by the bewildered sight of a calf that was just taking shelter from the rains. The poor thing pondered over why Gunz was screaming like a madman. Roomz and I decided to retire to our rooms. Gunz was determined to drive the poor ungulate out. Inspite of our repeated pleas (and threats) to leave the animal alone, Gunz proceeded poking and prodding it with a stick and making all kinds of noises (ranging from Baa baa to get the hell out of here you stinking **&#@*^ #^&*#&). The calf barely budged. Then something hit Gunz and he screamed Surekha Surekha (claims to be the desi version of Aristotle). He came up with a warped version og theory of buoyancy... It's not weight that displaces water, it's water that'll displace weight. He came with a bucket of water and sploshed it on the poor cow, egging it to vacate the no man's land. Something seemed to have triggered some thing in the cow. It got up and promptly shook of all the water by vibrating it's skin (Gosh, how do cows get to do that?) and promptly lifted the tail. And Gunz wanted the corridor to be spotless so he screamed and put the bucket beneath the cow to collect all the dung. That enraged Roomz. Who would like to see their bucket filled with manure? Chaos reigns. I say to myself every night, "Why is my block like a gaulish village that just had a fish thrown on some one's face?" I thought the best way to end this was to evict the illegal immigrant. It's better to deal with the cow than with Gunz. So I joined the party soon. My task at hand was to ensure that this chap doesn't do any more crapping around in the corridor. Then he makes the most dignified exit. I tried all the old techniques Rajkumar tried in his movies to drive out the village belles who surround him. No way. The animal would not budge. We are firm believers of non-violence. So the only way we thought was to psyche him out. What if we bring more and more of buckets and frighten to throw water over it and not actually throw water over it? Sounded cool. So there we all came with empty buckets in out hands enacting the throwing of water over the cow. We managed to succeed a bit. The cow was alarmed. Not at us trying to frighten with water. But with all the colourful buckets moving randomly in air!!! Gotcha said I. Lemme show it what jurassic park looks like. I wore one bucket as a helmet, rather should I say it covered my whole head. Couldn't see a thing, but who cares. I put my legs in two other buckets, covered my hands with two more. And made wierd motions in air and came charging from behind with the noise that a dino makes. That was too much for the poor cow/calf. It soon jumped out and charged out of our block, knocking Roomz on the way out. Gunz was delighted. All was fine in our block. We had the freshies clean out the cowdung the next day. Gunz and Roomz slept peacefully that night. As for me, I kept tossing around in my bed. It wasn't the guilt of driving a poor animal that troubled me. It was all the screams of my fellow mitians from D23 A block apparently shocked over the sudden appearance of a cow that refused to move out the whole night!
p.s. Names of my roomies are changed to Gunz and Roomz for sake of anonymity as well as special request from the cow!

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